PinnedStéphane DerosiauxWe build trust not during times of success, but during challenging times.Starting a company is easy. Making sure our employees work on meaningful things to maximize its success: less easy. Making sure everyone…Aug 11, 2023Aug 11, 2023
PinnedStéphane DerosiauxCQRS: What? Why? How?CQRS is a useful pattern to reason about the activities of a specific domain. But it definitely comes with a steep learning curve.Sep 7, 201912Sep 7, 201912
Stéphane DerosiauxinConduktorKafka Summit London 2024 Review: The main topicsOur review of Kafka Summit London 2024: Analytics, Self-Serve, SQLApr 2Apr 2
Stéphane DerosiauxApache Kafka USA Meetups Tour 2024We are partnering with Confluent to organize a series of meetups in the USA: Kafka, Poison Pills, Data Contracts, Flink, join us!Feb 16Feb 16
Stéphane DerosiauxinConduktorConduktor Retrospective 2023Here we are, welcoming 2024. Let’s take a moment to reflect on 2023, and see how far we’ve come: lessons learned, challenges tackled, and…Jan 12Jan 12
Stéphane DerosiauxinConduktorWhat we learned from SOC2 Type II? Write what you do. Do what you write.Discover how we keep Conduktor data safe and how we ensure that our products are secured. It’s all about screenshots, policies…Jan 2Jan 2
Stéphane DerosiauxinConduktorConduktor v1.19 — Live Debug K, Aiven & ConfluentFaster Kafka Data Exploration and Deeper Kafka provider integrationsNov 3, 2023Nov 3, 2023
Stéphane DerosiauxinConduktorGetting Started with PySpark, Kafka, SQL, and AIHow to run SQL queries over Kafka in seconds? With PySpark, we get a system to run ad-hoc analysis locally and any SQL queries to explore…Sep 17, 20232Sep 17, 20232
Stéphane DerosiauxinConduktorConduktor v1.18 —Rich Filters and Kafka ACLs/Service AccountsWe’ve overhauled how we explore data and how we manage Kafka ACLs and Service Accounts.Sep 16, 2023Sep 16, 2023
Stéphane DerosiauxCrafting high-quality content: How to write better and boost engagementIt’s simple: never say “It’s simple” (or equivalent).Sep 7, 20231Sep 7, 20231